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Free 'Verse Order' Up
Aditya Mathur is a student of class 5 and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area , California .Aditya is a voracious reader. He's already finished reading all Harry Potter stories and is onto other authors.
Aditya enjoys playing Baseball and Cricket . His favourite past-time is playing Minecraft video game and chatting with his friends on Discord while doing so.

Aditya goes in search of the Virus

Aditya responds

Order up
Pots and pans bang
Sixzzling up till its right
Chop chop the parsely , with the knife
Qiuickly marinate the chicken before its too late
Saute the veggies and put them on the plate
Put the parsely on the chicken
Sprinkle the salt on Drizzle on the sauce
Finally my dish is ready
Time to present to the judge
He takes a bite as I wait
There is long pause of silence
The judge stood up
and called me with a wave of his hand
He took something out of his pocket
And gave me a sharp shiny 'Mezzaluna"
He says this one shines as bright as you .
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