eBooks Publisher
InOurDays.org is a publisher of electronic books (or eBooks) in digital form, consisting of text and images. The eBooks are available for download on our website's eBooks section in the EPUB format that is widely supported on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones and dedicated e-reader devices.
At InOurDays eBooks publishing, we are privileged to have Shri Mahendra Rathod as our first eBook author. We hope this pioneering effort will motivate other budding story tellers to come forward with their eBooks.
Editorial Policy
If you have a manuscript, we promise to publish it.
For us to accept your manuscript, your eBook must have at least three chapters.
Your material should not have been already published in a book format, online or paper version.
Individual stories posted on blogs or Facebook or any other social media can be converted in to eBook form.
Stories already published on our website www.inourdays.org can also be converted into eBook form.
Any material containing anti-social matter or expletives will not be accepted.
You are entirely responsible for your content. Copyright will be retained by the author(s).
Once the manuscript has been received by us no further editing or altering would be possible. So please check out your matter carefully before submission.
We look forward to hearing from book lovers! All correspondence will be entertained by email on editor.inourdays@gmail.com.
Please upload your manuscript via Google Drive to editor.inourdays@gmail.com.
Note from Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of InOurDays eBooks, Subhash Mathur

InOurDays.org is proud to dedicate its eBooks section to Shrimati Ramani Devi. Married to Shri Brij Mohan Lal Bhatnagar and the proud mother of two adorable children, Subhash and Tilak, she became my mother-in-law when I got married to Tilak in 1974.
Ramani Devi was a simple housewife but, in her own small ways, influenced some of the big decisions within the family. She was stickler for maintaining time schedules and always wore a wrist watch to ensure punctuality. Her cooking left the guests asking for another chance to savour the delicacies.
She lived simply, ate frugally but remained fully active and alert till she passed away at the ripe old age of 93. The entire clan remembers her for her wit, charm and loads of affection.