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The Veera Story

Veera Vashistha began her schooling from Sophia Girls College, Ajmer then moved on to St. Angela Sophia School, Jaipur and finished from Government Maharaja Girls School, Jaipur. She is a science graduate from Meera Girls School, Udaipur. Later on in life she became a teacher beginning her journey from Government Secondary School, Chaksu. She obtained her B.Ed. qualification within three years of joining as a teacher under widow’s quota.
Editor's Note: This is the story of a simple but very courageous lady who fought against all odds to overcome many difficulties to lead a life of honour and dignity. We have rearranged the story for easy reading.
This is a story about my struggle to be a good mother to my two children and to be a good teacher. I faced lot of hardships as I lost my husband very suddenly and at a very early stage in our married life.
I joined Government Secondary School at Chaksu near Jaipur. Straight away I was presented with much opposition but I overcame all difficulties to make two ends meet. Despite being a Science graduate I was directed to teach English instead of Science but against all odds I managed to acquit myself creditably.
I faced many a difficult situation during my Chaksu tenure particularly from a powerful lawyer who was also a goon. My tact, patience and support from my students enabled me to overcome his opposition to improve the functional environment of the school. The goon-lawyer was opposing closing an open, stinking sewage drain right next to the school.
Later on the same lawyer met me in Jaipur and apologised for his bad behaviour. He praised my efforts in providing education in a healthy environment. I was then posted at Sindhi Girls School, Jaipur.
My students in Government Senior School, Adarsh Nagar secured high percentages in Science and English, my subjects. As part of my teaching style I gave personal attention to all my students on individual basis, encouraging them to learn and perform. This method gave me lot of satisfaction and happiness to children. I also took care of fee, etc. of very poor children.
I encouraged my students to participate in extracurricular and cultural activities. I was in charge of Independence Day and Republic Day functions at school. I encouraged the girl students to participate in greater numbers and in activities related to celebrating these two National Days. In 2005 I was honoured as the Best Teacher by the Lions Club in conjunction with the school administration.
I also conducted the Bhamashah award function at Vidhyaashram School. I was also a very avid Badminton player.
I retired from Government Adarsh Nagar Senior Secondary school in 2007.
My motto throughout my career was simple: ‘Do not take your home issues and struggle to your work place. Do your job with single minded devotion.’

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