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Show, Not Tell: Shaping the Future
Advaita 11 years old and is studying in 7th Standard at Shatin College, Hong Kong..Advaita loves reading and writing amongst a host of other interests. She articulates her opinions with no holds barred.
Show, Not Tell: Shaping the Future
World leaders dwell on the misfortunes of the past,
And put them into the limelight,
What they really should do is think fast,
And banish environmental issues with all their might

Scientists claim that they can delay the problems coming,
And the theories they put forward are the best,
Yet they will find that the Earth is already succumbing,
As troubles like forest fires and floods wake from their rest.

Prophesying the future is extremely rare,
A skill that few have claimed to master,
Yet if humans shape the planet’s future without any care,
They would lead themselves and the world to disaster.
Present issues we face are more than just high tide,
They are climate change, pollution, deforestation,
However, we need to take sustainability in our stride,
And work together as a whole nation.
Every time you plant a new seed or take out a rogue weed,
You are doing your little bit,
And if you start doing eco-friendly deeds,
Mother Earth would certainly acknowledge your wit
This is how you shape the future, with effervescence,
By doing small things like re-using a tote bag.
You can spread the word and make a big difference,
On the occasion of International Earth Day 2022
Show, Not Tell : Shaping the Future
The young writer has poured out her concern & emotions to save the Mother Earth from pollution, global warming & deforestation etc.Her thought process is expressed in most delicate words, in rhyming and rhythm. The choice of words is apt and flow of English perfect. Congratulations to the budding poet !
Earth Day.
Welcome. I am glad to note that the younger generation is showing lot interest in environmental issues. Good luck.
Poem on Earth Day.
Excellent poem and great concern about the sustainability of our planet.
Poem on Earth Day.
Excellent poem and great concern about the sustainability of our planet.
Show,not tell:shaping the future
Earth day
Excellent, it is need of the hour. Even kids are raising this important issue. Well done Advaita, keep it up
Excellent poem just in few
Excellent poem just in few words it has explained the danger to this living planet
We all are to take care of it otherwise it’s leads to disastrous . I appreciate the topic taken by young girl my best wishes 🎉🎉pawan kumar sr advocate PB n Hy High Court Chandigarh.
Brilliant ideas and wonderful
Brilliant ideas and wonderful expression of Adwaita- like none other.Blessings and congratulations. You will go far with such great promise at a child !!
the impact of small deeds
the impact of small deeds -expressed with such honesty. impressive indeed. All is not lost. Hope prevails-Kudos to Adwaita.
Excellent writing by the
Excellent writing by the youngster. Thoughtful message at a such young age. Best Wishes to her for a glorious future.
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