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Our teachers

Atharv and Aadya Kaushik are brother and sister who both attend National Public School, Bengaluru where Atharv is in Class VI and Aadya is in Class IV.
A teacher is someone you depend on, someone you learn from. We all have teachers, and we all learn from them. They may teach us Hindi, English, geography, history, civics, math, physics, biology, chemistry or Sanskrit, but they are still our gurus. We should always respect them. They are always there for us. From our parents to our teachers at school, everyone knows us and cares for us.
A good teacher is one who not only teaches but instills the joy of learning. He/she tells you where to look but not what to see. They inspire hope and ignite the imagination of a student. On this day, I wish all my teachers a very happy teacher's day!
— Atharv Kaushik, Class VI, National Public School, Bengaluru
My best teacher, Ms. Shubha Kapoor
A good teacher inspires hope and ignites the love of learning. My math teacher — Shubha ma'am — is one of them. Math is my favourite subject at school. Shubha ma'am is kind, she makes math fun and she gives us stitches and puts stamps in our books. She may be strict at times but it is for our own good. I love my maths teacher and I would like to follow her footsteps.
— Aadya Kaushik, Class IV, National Public School, Bengaluru

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