It. Was. A. Nightmare
Advaita is 10 year old and is studying in 7th Standard in Shatin College, Hong Kong..Advaita loves reading and writing amongst host of other interets. She articlulates her opinions with holds barred .
It. Was. A. Nightmare.
Waves of terror spread across the globe, as Mother Nature unleashed torrents of an unknown disease - the dreaded Ortho Corona Virinae, or should I say COVID - 19. The event will always be remembered as one of the deadliest pandemics in history.
Let me introduce myself. I am Advaita Tiwari, born in 2010 on the 15th of November. I pity the people born from 2019 onward, for they don’t know the reality, and how the illness started.
I was first delivered the drastic news in my mandarin class, of a minor epidemic breaking out in the city of Wu Han. “Nothing major, just another silly thing in the news.” I thought. As it turned out… I was terribly wrong.
No warnings. No reminders, just BAM! Here’s a new virus to keep you on your toes. When the outbreak first struck, Hong Kong was immediately affected, due to the fact that it was not too distant from China.
Surprisingly, the first wave of destruction left Hong Kong unscathed, which scientists and observers considered remarkable given its millions of Mainland China visitors and the fact it was a hit for tourists.

You may be thinking - “Hey, you guys have the power of modern science! Why can’t you just make a super cool machine to zap the virus out of victims?”
Surprise, surprise everyone, - even the best high tech devices can’t solve everything. To say we were in trouble was an understatement. We were practically doomed.
BOOM! What happened next? A series of texts, tweets, songs, photos and videos blew up the internet like wildfire. Zoom, Google Meet, TikTok and Dub Smash and other online connection and sharing apps were back in business, as the global pandemic caused all schools to be shut down.
At first, this may have been a relief for some people, since waking up early had been thrust into the trash, but soon, online learning became a daily habit.
First and foremost, students would join the meetings, turn their cameras off and go look at some other fishy website, all without raising a single suspicion with the teacher.
Plenty of evidence and examples state that 1 in 10 pupils visit websites right under their parents and teachers' noses.
Secondly, children would always get blamed for not handing in their learning materials when they had done the work already. This was caused by the learners forgetting to press the hand in button on Google Classroom, resulting in them being marked with missing work.
It was totally not their fault!
As if things could not get any worse, my personal life was being affected. My mother told me sadly that my extended family had caught the virus, due to the fact that a wave had spread across India.
At this point, being so devastated at the destruction, I hoped to the Gods that Mother Nature would stop her assault on humanity. But were my wishes granted, or even looked at? Absolutely, definitely NOT.
Our battered generation battled around us, trying their best to fend for their friends and family, but with minor climaxes like protests, doctors and nurses going on strike, and the cases just getting worse, it seemed very likely that hope had left us for good.
Right when that bastard of a virus was at its highest peak, a global disaster struck.
Cobid had decided it wanted to spread across a wider variety of countries. Pretty soon the United States, United Kingdom and many other countries had been power washed with the virus.

Famous people like Tom Hanks, Boris Johnson and even Queen Elizabeth and her family caught the health troublemaker.
Right now, I’m sitting here at 9:27am in the morning, on the 26th of June in Hong Kong. It all seems like a peaceful summer holiday, but in reality, everything in my personal, local and global life has changed.
Feelings of pity and sorrow hang in the air for people all across the globe. Prince Philip sadly passed away, right before his 100th birthday. The virus still rages rampant across the world, taking innocent lives with it. I have to say, we are not a world with Generation X, Z or Alpha citizens. We are all a new generation, one of CoVid, and we won’t be able to fight this virus unless we follow the rules, keep safe and are in it together.
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