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Two Poems — Love and Companionship

Nancy Ganjoo Singh is a resident of her home town Srinagar in Kashmir.
Nancy is a dreamer with a passion and a nature lover. She is a strong believer in the Almighty whose omnipresence is felt by her in every walk of life and everything in nature bestowed upon us by the Almighty.
Besides many other areas of special interest, Nancy is a poet and a writer as well. Having lost her husband to an illness a couple of years ago, she pours her pain into her poetry.
- मेरे हमसफ़र
- Intoxicated
मेरे हमसफ़र
मेरे जीवन की बगिया के माली ,
सूना है वीरान है इस बगिया का हर कोना ,
बिन तुम्हारे कोई फूल इसमें खिलता नहीं,
बस खला है इसका साथी ।
सींचा था तुम्हारे प्यार की इक इक बूँद ने इसे
उस बूँद को तरसती है यह बगिया
सूर तुम्हारे थे ,अल्फ़ाज़ भी तुम थे
मैं तो बस उन्हें गुनगुनाती थी ।
वफ़ा की ताबीर थे तुम
मैं तो बस इक परछाई थी
की ज़िंदगी ने बेवफ़ाई तो क्या
जुदा न कर पाई वो मेरी वफ़ा को
साँसें टूट गई पर प्यार की ढोर न कभी टूट पायेगी ।
मिलेंगे फिर उस जहां में , जहां न बिछड़ने का डर हो
मेरे हमसफ़र ,है बस उस घड़ी का इन्तज़ार मुझे ।।
Drops of dew soaked with his love,
She drank with blissful joy,
It tasted sweeter than honey,
Intoxicated she got with his arms all around.
Hurricane of his love encompassed her senses,
she loved the storms of life with him all around her,
she walked the path of strife and joy with his hand in hand;
Oh! a jolt of lightening woke her up,
her dew of love got lost in strife,
with all alone in jungle of world,
she keeps wandering to find her love,
promised herself to keep walking
until she finds her dew of love in heavens ashore.

Nancy on a walk with yellowing maple leaves blowing in the wind.
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