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A strong, loving teacher — late Dadasaheb Rege

Smita Dolas is a member of Indian Revenue Service, Customs and Central Excise. She is a fitness freak and a keen long distance runner. She is very fond of cycling and other activities. At present, Smita lives in Mumbai with her family.
My school, Balmohan Vidya Mandir, Mumbai used to hoist the flag and hold a gala ceremony on 15th August. Our principal Late Dadasaheb Rege was very towering personality. He inculcated all good values and principles in his students. We used to call him 'Dada' (elder brother) out of love and respect.

Dadasaheb was to hoist flag on that day in 1980. Students in full strength were present early morning in uniform with enthusiasm and cheer. School used to hold this ceremony in an open ground.
That day it was a dark, cloudy day. All of us were wondering whether ceremony will take place or not! Childhood curiosity with endless questions.
As Dada came to dais, there was pin drop silence. He started opening the knot of the flag... and Oh! The sky rocked with smiles and laughters. Clouds opened up and it started raining very heavily.
It was pouring and blessings - all children were totally soaked wet. But no one moved even inch. The Flag fluttered in the sky with pride and dignity. Dignity to stand in the rains - for the respect of the nation! of national anthem and heart full of pride of nation. Showers were pouring their hearts out.
"Balano (Dear children)," rang out his voice full of care, love and blessings. His words were more wet than our clothes. He spoke for fifteen minutes but all were steady and still. I still remember that speech of patriotism and day of rain.
In Bhagavad-Gita there is prose that for the 'person' rains, winter and summer all are same. One has to stand all with same stride.
तपाम्यहमहं वर्षं निगृह्णाम्युत्सृजामि च |
अमृतं चैव मृत्युश्र्च सदसच्चाहमर्जुन ||
But it was live lesson to stand for the flag and honour despite aggressive rain. Dada, at the end of the speech, thanked all of us.
When returned home, my mother worried looking at my totally wet uniform and wet hair. She was worried for my health. But how could she know that on that day Dada, the great teacher had taught my life’s important lesson which can wash away all diseases of body and mind.
In my Jim Corbett Marathon, early morning it was raining heavily. I just recalled the image of my Great teacher, Dada, and....ran...ran... to the medal. My real gratitude for such a strong, loving teacher — Dada!
Lucky to have such a teacher ... mine did not inspire me.
Thank you, me opportunity to share my feelings and respect to teacher.
You are really great teacher in bones...
Always like to be your student,Sir
But,still you were always inspiration for us.
Hi smita very nicely written article... Dada was such grt loving kind personality I ever seen in my life... That's y we never ever forget our school days at any cost... We hv grt memories of school.... That never vanished.... I think u stayed in khandke bldg no 9 1 St floor.. My parents n in laws also frm khandke bldg ... Parents were stayed in bldg no 6 n lnlawss frm 5... Maiden name was smita dighe now karkhanis.... Nice to meet you here
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